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Job Responsibility Attend custormer enquiries, assit and support saless conveying process Build and maintain relationship with potential prospect Source of property listing To market properties for sale / rental To provide excellent sales service to clients and customers To execute…
Job Responsibility Attend custormer enquiries, assit and support saless conveying process Build and maintain relationship with potential prospect Source of property listing To market properties for sale / rental To provide excellent sales service to clients and customers To execute…
Job Responsibility Attend custormer enquiries, assit and support saless conveying process Build and maintain relationship with potential prospect Source of property listing To market properties for sale / rental To provide excellent sales service to clients and customers To execute…
Job Responsibility Attend custormer enquiries, assit and support saless conveying process Build and maintain relationship with potential prospect Source of property listing To market properties for sale / rental To provide excellent sales service to clients and customers To execute…
Job Responsibility Good Communication in any level of person Good in Social Media Work in group Tolerance and co operate in the group Job Requirements Sales or Buy Property Online Marketing Good in communication skill Job Benifits Annual Company Trip…
Job Responsibility Attend custormer enquiries, assit and support saless conveying process Build and maintain relationship with potential prospect Source of property listing To market properties for sale / rental To provide excellent sales service to clients and customers To execute…
MohonKelayakan Sales or Buy Property Online Marketing Good in communication skill Tanggungjawab Good Communication in any level of person Good in Social Media Work in group Tolerance and co operate in the group Manfaat Annual Company Trip to oversea Annual…
Job Responsibility Buy or sell houses in johor bahru (tebrau, skudai, kota tinggi, masai, pasir gudang, pulai, kulai, senai, seelong) Follow company activities for marketing purposes Marketing in sosmed is a must Job Requirements Sales experience background is priority /…
Job Responsibility Buy or sell houses in johor bahru (tebrau, skudai, kota tinggi, masai, pasir gudang, pulai, kulai, senai, seelong) Follow company activities for marketing purposes Marketing in sosmed is a must Job Requirements Sales experience background is priority /…
Job Responsibility Buy or sell houses in johor bahru (tebrau, skudai, kota tinggi, masai, pasir gudang, pulai, kulai, senai, seelong) Follow company activities for marketing purposes Marketing in sosmed is a must Job Requirements Sales experience background is priority /…
Job Responsibility Buy or sell houses in johor bahru (tebrau, skudai, kota tinggi, masai, pasir gudang, pulai, kulai, senai, seelong) Follow company activities for marketing purposes Marketing in sosmed is a must Job Requirements Sales experience background is priority /…
Mohon Kelayakan Sales experience background is priority / if no experience also can Good in communiction Priority for those expert in online marketing or sosmed Tanggungjawab Buy or sell houses in johor bahru (tebrau, skudai, kota tinggi, masai, pasir gudang,…