For ALL trucks under jurisdiction to; follow up repairs/servicing on all parts(multi-lift system ,Bin ,GPS System or Truck) to be rectified within 3 working days
Filling up of Purchase Requisition in advance for Purchasing to source.
To manage bin movements and ensure well maintained bins delivered to customer site.
Ensuring all bins(big or small) have proper filing record, & repairs.
Large & Small Multi-lift bins to follow safety standards, engage repairs upon identifying damages.
To plan trips 1-day in advance to truck drivers under jurisdiction to ensure smooth flow, correct bins and planned routes.
Inform to key marketing PIC/ Group, weighing, production supervisor and customer on trips and to alert if trips collection are not achieved.
Drivers are aware of truck movement and route patterns in advance(Eg, RealSteel, OneSubSea, .etc)
Planned in advance minimum 2-weeks for Truck Inspection before road tax expiry.(Puspakom).
Holiday preparations in advance for major occasions.
To troubleshoot and resolve with drivers, management team on undesirable situations.
Maximizing cargo deliveries/collections for each trip & driver.
Arranging towing/breakdown team to assist truck drivers(tyre puncture, malfunction, bin failureetc.)
High fuel consumptions, Short Tyre lifespan, Toll usage, Canvas,etc.
Filing and record of accident recording, foresight and prevention. (Driver, Location, Cause)
Rectify with solution on trips drivers least frequently travelled.
To ensure documentations prepared by admin staff are verified with minimal error before submission to accounts/boss/HR. (Highlighting key-points)
Preparation of Collection MEMOs & Delivery MEMOs.
Fuel Reimbursement Chits upload to Google Drive, GPS Reports, Toll Claims(Touch & Go) & Driver Commission Reports, by 2-3 days.
To source new drivers, educate, enforce, and update safety SOPs for handling the transportation of scrap, equipment and bins.
Cargo weight limitation up and until BTM x 35%.
Orientation & regular meetings on safety procedures, appropriate PPE or different factory procedures(Driver Handbook)
Motivate & plan drivers to achieve expected salary per month.
Safety MEMOs, reinforce safety protocols such as lighted paths, recording and reporting on dangerous incidents.
To achieve companys goals on maximizing utility of trips and improvement of drivers safety.
Max safe loading capacity with round-trip delivery & collection.
High/Tall/Long Bins for long distanced factory sites.
Safety canvas removal for truck canvas pulley stand & truck parking bay for washing.
Record, follow-up to improve upon dangerous blind spots, difficult turning angles & roofing.
Kindly contact Ms Rachel at +6019-772 2619 for further details or send your resume to [ ]
Kindly contact Mr Edwin +6012 692 5453 or send your resume to []