Responsibilities: * To create and control movement of daily planning / performance schedule to match with monthly PPSI required.
To prepare 1.5 months of production schedule within 1 working day after the PPSI meeting.
In order to control a high accuracy data, ensure correct figure are input after obtaining incoming inspection plan against actual, delivery plan against schedule from QC, FG stock and sales plan against actual.
With a cut off time a 12.00pm daily. Compile all of the above data and report to HOD by 15:00pm.
To send out plan against actual result together with the recovery schedule to MD, Director and HOD via email daily.
To create recovery plan when there is a delay against initial plan. To instruct related member after obtaining HOD approval.
To report immediate HOD when having difficulties to adjusting recovery plan, to coordinate with related departments.
To ensure the specification of a trial piece and create the input schedule when there is a request for it. Instruct production members accordingly.
To practice raw parts inventory control, report to immediate HOD when there is short of supply and issue ringi form complete with valid reasons to request additional purchase.
To issue PR to purchase item(s) at site and submit it to HOD.