Process authorization request on behalf of our merchant and other acquiring bank for CIMB cardholder and other Issuer\'s credit card .
Attend to our CIMB customers and merchant inquiries.
Attend to emergency card replacement requests from Visa and MasterCard International for CIMB cardholder.
Process mail order ( MOTO ) transactions from CIMB merchants and other acquirer for CIMB cardholder
Process cancellation request from CIMB merchant and other acquirer for CIMB cardholder .
Process authorization request for Petronas Fuel Tanker ( PFT ) transaction.
Monitor and call cardholder for credit card transaction for both Malaysia and Singapore flagged out by Falcon (credit card fraud system ) to verify the authenticity of the transaction .
Monitor and call cardholder for debit card transaction flagged out by MasterCard NFS (debit card fraud system for Malaysia only ) to verify the authenticity of the transaction .
Monitor and call customer for Clicks transaction for both Malaysia and Singapore flagged out by RCM (Risk Case Manager) to verify the authenticity of the transaction.
Send SMS to those uncontactable customer for Falcon, NFS & RCM.