Conduct analysis, assessment, research and present the QSO Confirmation on Potential Shariah Non-Compliance (PSNC) incidents as and when required in Shariah Committee of RHB Islamic (SCR) Meeting.
Assist Circle Lead, SRA in providing Monthly Shariah Compliance Report and updates to the board, SCR and senior management on the latest developments in legal and regulatory requirements in Islamic finance, especially in relation to issuance of the Shariah Advisory Council of Bank Negara Malaysia (SAC) rulings.
Assist Circle Lead, SRA in preparing report to the board, Shariah committee and senior management regularly on Shariah non-compliance issues and findings;
Key Responsibilities:
Conduct investigations on non-compliance incidents specific to Shariah cases
Conduct analysis, assessment, research and present the QSO Confirmation on Potential Shariah Non-Compliance (PSNC) incidents as and when required in Shariah Committee of RHB Islamic (SCR) Meeting.
Conduct monitoring and tracking on the rectification status of Potential Shariah Issues (PSI), Operational Lapses (OL) and Areas of Improvement (AFI).
Conduct annual Shariah Compliance Self-Assessment (SCSA) to assess of whether the Islamic banking operations and business practices complies to the applicable Shariah requirements
Subject Matter Expertise
Support best practice sharing across teams
Resolve any escalated customer related issues e.g., complains, approval
Standard Enforcement
Ensure key information is cascaded and necessary documentations are created (reports)
Support implementation of any initiatives at the team level
RequirementsRequirements: Bachelor Degree - Bachelor of Shariah (Islamic Law) with specialization in Fiqh and Usul Fiqh, Fiqh Muamalat (Islamic Law of Transactions/Islamic Commercial Law) or equivalent related degree holder with honors from local universities or equivalent recognized qualifications by Government..- Preferably relevant certification related to Shariah or Islamic Banking and Finance.
Minimum 3 years of working experience
Minimum 1 year of working experience in Islamic banking products and services
Minimum 2 years of working experience in handling compliance functions or related experience, e.g., internal audit or operational risk in a financial institution
Minimum 1 year of working experience in commercial banking environment
Broad knowledge or understanding on commercial banking products and Shariah.
Sets clear and realistic goals, focused on highest value activities
Motivates and inspires others draws out the best in people
Strong team player; able to work with other leaders
Operates with focus of creating value for the customer
Has the skills and expertise to successfully execute his or her role (e.g., technical, business or other)
Understanding of relative compliance requirements and processes
Strong problem-solving skill to support issue resolution
Adept at solving problems in a logical and fact-driven manner (e.g., when tackling technical challenges, obstacles, backlog prioritization)
Highly adaptable and able to respond to change fast
Resourceful and able to leverage network effectively
Ability to collaborate and help the squad members
Actively listens to others, understands and values others' views
Ability communicates opinions or views of squad members clearly