Meninjau, memantau dan mengawal disiplin Konstabel dan Lans Korporal
Bertanggungjawab untuk Roll Call rutin harian
Menyediakan laporan; menjaga log, rekod dan fail
Sekiranya di tugaskan untuk patrol, Korporal juga akan digelarkan sebagai Watch Commander atau Assistant Watch Commander sewaktu tugasan tersebut
Meyediakan pelan tugasan harian, menyediakan dan menyampai latihan roll call, memeriksa staf dan peralatan mengikut kesesuaian standard Jabatan, menyelia pejabat dan Konstabel dalam patrol, menyemak dan meluluskan pelbagai laporan, menyedia dan memeriksa aduan dari staf, bertindak balas terhadap kejadian jenayah atas permintaan dari Konstabel, mengendalikan dan menghantar staff untuk radio call, memaklumkan kepada penyelia tentang hal-hal yang perlu dalam perhatian, melatih dan menyelia Konstabel, dan menjalankan tugasan-tugasan yang diberi
Menemuduga, menyoal siasat dan menyiasat kes-kes berkenaan
Menilai keperluan untuk campur tangan dan/atau diversion secara tepat
Membantu agensi-agensi utama seperti bomba atau ambulans
Faham dan laksana tugasan yang diberikan dalam SOP Polis Bantuan
Menjalankan pelbagai aktiviti komuniti filosofi polis
Memastikan pematuhan yang tegas seperti berikut:
Staff training (e-learning)
BIA (Business Impact Analysis)
RCSA (Risk and Control Self-Assessment)
CIM (Control Issue Management)
KRI (Key Risk Indicator)
LED (Operational Event & Loss Data Management)
BCM (Business Continuity Management)
Due Diligence
Risk Assessment
Menyelia dan menilai prestasi staf termasuk tindakan tatatertib, penerusan latihan dan kaunseling
Mengembangkan dan mengekalkan hubungan yang positif dengan kepelbagaian komuniti
Minimum Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM)
Kredit dalam Bahasa Malaysia and Lulus dalam Bahasa Inggeris
Berumur 20 hingga 35
Tubuh badan yang sihat, penglihatan yang baik, ketinggian minimum 170cm
Wajib mempunyai sijil tamat khusus polis bantuan
Terbuka untuk bekas polis bantuan dengan sekurang-kurangnya berkhidmat minima 2 tahun
Berkebolehan dalam interpersonal dan pembentangan
Kebolehan berkomunikasi dalam Bahasa Inggeris dan Bahasa Malaysia . Berkebolehan berbahasa Mandarin dialukan
Kemahiran asas komputer e.g Microsoft Office
Boleh memimpin and mempunyai daya tahan yang tinggi dalam menghadapi situasi yang cemas
Tiada rekod jenayah
Boleh bekerja secara syif termasuk sabtu ahad dan cuti awam
Key Responsibilities:
Observes monitors and controls daily routine shifts.
Observes, monitors and controls the Constable and Lance Corporal discipline
Hold a shift leader position
Responsible on daily shift Roll Call
Prepares reports; maintains logs, records and files
When assigned to a patrol function, the Corporal may be a Watch Commander or Assistant Watch Commander during his/her tour of duty.
Prepares daily plan assignments; prepares and presents roll call training; inspects personnel and equipment for conformity to Department standards; supervises the desk, auxiliary police constable on patrol; reviews and approves various types of reports; prepares and investigates personnel complaints; responds to crime scenes at the request of auxiliary police constable; handles radio calls and dispatches personnel; keeps the supervisors informed of issues of concern to them; trains and supervises auxiliary police constable; and performs related functions.
Interview, interrogate, investigate
Accurately assess the need for further intervention and/or diversion
Assist other primary agencies such as fire or ambulance
Know and perform duties specified in the Auxiliary Police Standard Operation Procedures.
Performing numerous other activities in support of the community policing philosophy.
Ensure strict compliance to the followings :-
Staff training (e-learning)
BIA (Business Impact Analysis)
RCSA (Risk and Control Self-Assessment)
CIM (Control Issue Management)
KRI (Key Risk Indicator)
LED (Operational Event & Loss Data Management)
BCM (Business Continuity Management)
Due Diligence
Risk Assessment
Supervises and evaluates the performance of subordinates including disciplinary actions, continued training and counseling
Develop and maintain positive relationships with the diverse community.
Key Requirements
Note: The qualifications indicated are the ideal requirements for the position. Exceptions may apply to internally promoted staff based on performance
Possesses Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia
Credit in Bahasa Malaysia and pass in English
Male/Female, age 20 to 45
Fit, good eyesight, minimum height of 170cm
Ex Policeman or Ex Auxiliary Police (encouraged to apply)
Strong interpersonal and presentation skills
Ability to communicate in English and Good in Bahasa Malaysia . Mandarin is preferable but optional
Basic Computer skills e.g Microsoft Office
Good personal attributes - honest and able to work under pressure in a fast paced environment
Ability to maintain control in times of crisis
Ability to drive staff for optimum performance
No criminal record
Prepared to work on shift, weekend and public holidays